Thursday, October 12, 2023

October 11, 2023


  • Tuesday, October 31st; WES Halloween Parade 2:15 PM
  • Wednesday, November 1st: two hour delayed opening, No School for PreK
  • Friday, November 3rd: Picture Retake Day

Mrs. Frates and Ms. Martin's class has earned another celebration.  They voted to have a 'show and tell' day.  Everyone can bring in something to share with the class.  In the past we have had kids bring in Pokemon cards (some had binders, others just brought in cards), shells and told where they got them, a favorite toy and talked about why its their favorite, dolls, pictures of a family vacation etc...Some kids sent me a video of them doing something special or pictures that we put on the screen and they shared that with the class.  If you have any questions, please email us and feel free to ask.  

Our class earned our next celebration! Costumes can be worn all day with the exception of face masks.  We ask that no face masks or weapons be apart of costumes.  Thank you for supporting us!

There is a Pumpkin Encouragement Chart coming home in your child's folder to go home tomorrow.  The directions are on the top of the paper.  There are a few different ideas on the bottom of the paper as far as how they can practice their skills in order to fill in a pumpkin.  Reading is a requirement for Second Grade Homework.  You only need to read or be read to for 20 minutes each night.  Spelling and Math skills are not a requirement but if your child is needing extra support this is a fun way to help them practice.  

Second Step:
Frates' class has been working on Bullying during Second Step (our social, emotional curriculum).  They understand that bullying is when the same person repeatedly does or says something mean to you.  We talked about it having to be repeated by the same person for it to consist of bullying.  This is recognizing bullying.  Then we talked about the 3 R's - Recognize, Report and Refuse.  By reporting the bullying action to a safe adult you are reaching out and asking for help to solve or stop the problem.  With the hopes that the action will stop then students followed protocol.  However, if it doesn't stop, the kids are learning to keep asking an adult until the issue is resolved.  Then refuse is being assertive with a strong, confident voice and telling the bully, "Stop.  That's bullying."

Coyle's class is learning to differentiate between peacemmakers and peacebreakers. We generated a list as a class of what each looks like.  Some examples we came up with of peacemakers are: being safe, using kind words, staying in line, being respectful.  A few examples of peacebreakers included: unkind words, not saying sorry, arguing, and being disrespectful.  We will be using this language in our classroom to encourage students to be a peacemaker and highlight students who are exhibiting these behaviors.  We will be discussing how our behaviors create a "ripple effect," if we treat others with respect, that will trickle down, if we are unkind, that will create a negative ripple effect.

Reading Workshop:
We just finished learning and practicing words that have bonus letters and glued sounds.  Bonus letters are very hard to grasp - ll, ff, ss, and zz are bonus letters and come at the end of a word after a short vowel.  Glued sounds are all, an, am, ang, ing, ong, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk and make their own sound because the vowel isn't long or short when with these consonants.  We will continue to review these skills as we move along and learn new rules and skills.  Our next unit is introducing exceptions to the rules and closed syllable words.  Exceptions to the rule, ild, ind, old, olt and ost are exceptions because the vowel is long even though they are followed by a consonant.  They will also be exposed to vowel teams but not having to master them yet.  

In math we are continuing to practice our combinations to 20 as well as solving story problems.  Story problems are both addition and subtraction.   Everyone is learning to visualize (sometimes act out) what is happening in the problem, talk about tricky words so they can comprehend the problem and then they are able to solve the problem and show their thinking.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via email.  

Have a wonderful fall!  What a nice 

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